Android 16 may promote this Google app to a core app that cannot be uninstalled

Android 16’s Developer Preview 2 brings an interesting new change: Google Keep will be a system app, meaning it cannot be uninstalled. You’ll still be able to disable the app and put it in a dormant state. It seems this decision may be related to an upcoming lock screen notes feature.
Google Keep is Google’s note-taking app, and it seems it’s gotten a promotion with Android 16 Developer Preview 2. This change indicates that Google is readying to grant Keep with a new role and more responsibilities.
System apps are pre-installed apps that let the OS perform essential functions on a device. These functions are usually related to settings, messaging, calling, system management, and others. Users are not able to uninstall those apps unless they root the device. Of course, you can still disable some of these apps to free up storage if you need to.
Google Keep is currently not an app that can’t be uninstalled, but it would reportedly become a core app with Android 16. It seems the change may be related to Google’s reported plans to grant it more functionality and integration with other core Android features.

Of course, this change can also be due to Google’s preparation for an upcoming lock screen note-taking feature. The feature is expected to become official with Android 15, most likely. The feature would work rather straightforwardly: it would let you write notes quickly without having to unlock your phone to do so.
I’m incredibly curious about what Google plans to do with Google Keep. Although I’m someone who would like core apps that cannot be installed to be minimal (bloatware for example has always annoyed me), it may be worth it to have the app uninstallable if it’s doing something important.
I’m wondering what this would be though, as a lock screen note-taking feature doesn’t (at least to me) seem like something so important for the phone’s functionality. We’ll know more soon, probably, so stay tuned!